Pop-Kultur lokal: Call for Concepts

Dear friends,

dear organiser,

This year, »Pop-Kultur« will feature a brand-new element, »Pop-Kultur lokal«. »Pop-Kultur lokal« is a funded music event series held monthly from mid-April to mid-July, each time in a different location, and hosted by four different local event organisers and venues. It will focus on live performances, although combinations with DJ sets or talks are also possible. The selection of funded events will be made by a five-member jury (Kathrin Müller, Pop-Kultur, Alexandra Bondi de Antoni, i-D Magazine, Mary Ocher, musician, Dominique Schweizer, cultural manager, Anton Teichmann, Off-Kultur), in cooperation with the curators of »Pop-Kultur«. Information about »Pop-Kultur lokal« will be included in official festival communications and supported by the festival both promotionally and financially.

A festival like »Pop-Kultur« would not be possible without the local cultural agents who organise events every day – and our new »lokal« programme has been developed in collaboration with Dominique Schweizer and »Off-Kultur« in order to acknowledge and recognise this fact. With this project, we’d also like to prioritise the local promotion of young talent as well as the production of a diverse range of live concerts and additional musical activities not yet represented within »Pop-Kultur«. Participating artists must reside in Berlin.

We hereby announce an open call for all interested organisers to submit a one-page application containing a short programme description, date suggestions, and a simple financial plan by 10 a.m. on 7 March 2018, as a PDF via e-mail. The grant for concept, artists, and realisation is €2,000 per event. The events themselves should be free and unticketed.

As far as content goes: female artists must comprise at least 50% of the proposed programmes. Applicants are requested to make the event barrier-free. Efforts should likewise be made to integrate people with disabilities into the line-up, and preference will also be given to applications that explicitly address diversity and in particular take steps to strengthen the LGBT and POC communities.

The events should be scheduled to take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays. Preference will be given to venues and organisers who have not previously been supported by the Musicboard.

Applications should be sent as a PDF to info@pop-kultur.berlin (please specify whether you are applying as a private organiser or as a GbR, club, GmbH, etc).

Pop-Kultur 2018: Tickets!


Dear Friends of Pop-Kultur,

Pop-Kultur wlll take place for the fourth time from August 15th-17th, 2018. Because our guests and everyone else involved loved the Kulturbrauerei so much last year, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be able to call it home once again this coming summer during the festival.

As a first-time special, we are offering heavily discounted tickets, called »Pop-Kultur Advantage«, to those willing to buy before we announce who will be performing, singing, dancing, presenting, and discussing with us this summer. We reward your confidence in our programme with an unbeatable low price. The festival ticket »Pop-Kultur Advantage«, which is valid for every event on all three days, is available in our ticket shop from 7.2. until 9.4. for the meager price of 40€ plus fees.