Die Heiterkeit

21.08.2019 / 23.40 – 00.40 / / ,
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Stella Sommer likes contrasts. Her band is called Die Heiterkeit, German for »cheerfulness«; her previous album bore the not-so-cheerful title »Pop & Tod I+II« »Pop & Death I+II«. That was almost three years ago, which is why her eleven-track fourth album, released in March via the Buback label, is called »Was passiert ist« »What’s happened«. Quite a bit has transpired in the meantime, and not always cheerful things. On the contrary, though, Sommer’s self-recorded songs prance along as lightly as anything else in the melancholic German-speaking indie world. Both bitter and sweet, like the last liqueur before the bar closes, her music reflects the contrasts that make life bearable.
Offered in German sign language

Stella Sommer likes contrasts. Her band is called Die Heiterkeit, German for »cheerfulness«; her previous album bore the not-so-cheerful title »Pop & Tod I+II« (»Pop & Death I+II«). That was almost three years ago, which is why her eleven-track fourth album, released in March via the Buback label, is called »Was passiert ist« (»What’s happened«). Quite a bit has transpired in the meantime, and not always cheerful things. On the contrary, though, Sommer’s self-recorded songs prance along as lightly as anything else in the melancholic German-speaking indie world. Both bitter and sweet, like the last liqueur before the bar closes, her music reflects the contrasts that make life bearable.

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