Memes are currently one of the most important forms of digital communication. They can be used as political or social commentary, in campaigns or as a contemporary form of pop commentary. Are memes art? Can memes break with the old structures – by sawing at the legs of the elitist throne of the pop-cultural critic? Are upload filters the death blow for funny memes? Doesn’t the consistent violation of copyright mean stepping on the backs of other cultural creators? Berlin Club Memes makes daily comments on the city’s club and party culture for its 55,000 followers on Instagram. Press enquiries are generally rejected, but for Pop-Kultur, the person behind the account will talk to Caren Miesenberger. The journalist and social media editor teaches memes with the FEMINIST MEME SCHOOL, including here at the festival.
»I guess this is a conversation about ~memes~ or sth like that lel« (De)
Berlin Club Memes meets FEMINIST MEME SCHOOL
21.8.2019 / 20.00 – 21.00 / Haus für Poesie / TalkBuy Tickets / Attend on Facebook