Pop-Hayat – Yeşim Duman

21.–23.08.2019 / /
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Illustration: Stefan Marx & Moshtari Hilal

»Hayat« means life. Yeşim Duman, the ByteFM host, activist and event organizer who has previously appeared at Pop-Kultur as curator, is now combining her activities in the queer club scene and in post-migrant discourse. Creatives from various worlds of pop life will take the stage. The programme features conversations with Sibel Schick, DJ Ipek and Nuray Demir; a panel discussion with Emotional Labor Queen, Hengameh Yaghoobifarah and Planningtorock under the title of »Let’s Talk About Gender, Baby;« a discussion by Lena Grehls and Miriam Davoudvandis with rapper Ebow, »I’ve got 99 problems but being a feminist listening to rap ain’t one;« and an exhibit by visual artist Moshtari Hilal, all complemented by the installation piece »Çaystube« by Nuray Demir and Yeşim Duman. Duman has also curated workshops for »Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs« about music production (Born in Flamez) and feminist journalism (Miriam Davoudvandi). Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.

»Hayat« means life. Yeşim Duman, the ByteFM host, activist and event organiser who has previously appeared at Pop-Kultur as curator, is now combining her activities in the queer club scene and in post-migrant discourse. Creatives from various worlds of pop life will take the stage. The programme features conversations with DJ Ipek and Nuray Demir; a panel discussion with Emotional Labor Queen, Hengameh Yaghoobifarah and Planningtorock under the title of »Let’s Talk About Gender, Baby;« a discussion by Lena Grehls and Miriam Davoudvandis with rapper Ebow, »I’ve got 99 problems but being a feminist listening to rap ain’t one;« and an exhibit by visual artist Moshtari Hilal, all complemented by the installation piece »Çaystube« by Nuray Demir and Yeşim Duman. Duman has also curated workshops for »Pop-Kultur Nachwuchs« about music production (Born in Flamez) and feminist journalism (Miriam Davoudvandi).

Visit Yeşim Duman's website
Supported by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.